Spring is upon us in the North East US. We've had many days of the most perfect weather imaginable... clear, sunny days and cooler nights. The sky has been the most amazing shade of blue and the baby maple leaves are a beautiful complement.
I mowed almost all the mow-able property on Wednesday afternoon... and it really could use another mowing again... Yikes! I can only imagine how quickly it will grow once we get a bit of rain!
As I wandered around checking on the state of the plants and shrubs, I took a few pictures....
This flowering quince was on the property when I moved in 13 years ago. It needs pruning each year to keep it from encroaching onto the driveway space, which is quite narrow at this point. It is giving us a very special showing this year.
The pulmonaria used to be in a back garden and I completely missed its blooming a couple of times, so I've moved it to a spot where it gets my attention!
My girl, Gracie, from behind the fence of her exercise yard. She never has gotten the hang of staying in the unfenced parts without being tied.
Those quince blossoms up close. Anybody out there have suggestions as to how I can put to use the wonderful fruit they generate later in the year?
Here's Gracie keeping watch on the road.... just in case anything happens that I need to know about.
With Gracie on watch duty, Marco can take a little cat nap. (I call this his cat-erpillar pose.)